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Watery Wednesday

Once again I took my Watery Wednesday pictures while in the car, waiting for my kids to get out of school.  

These were taken from the inside of my car, using a Canon EF-S 55-250mm zoom lens to focus in on the water drops on my windshield.  Looks like mercury, or the surface of another planet!

It wasn't until January of this year that I took my camera off the totally automated setting and switched it to manual.  This type of shot is something I did not know how to do just a few months ago but seems so obvious and easy now.  The first shot focuses on the raindrops on the car window.  The second shot focuses on the chain-link fence just a few feet beyond my window, making the raindrops almost invisible.

My other Watery Wednesday entries can be found here.


  1. A lot of nice water drops - good motives are everywhere! Have a great day

  2. When I see shots like this, I want a new camera. Do I NEED one? Certainly not! But...

  3. The next to last shot is my favorite!

  4. I really like these. The next time it rains I think I'll sit in the car for a while with my camera. :-)

  5. I love the quality of the pictures your camera takes these are awesome. :)


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