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Watery Wednesday: California Happy Cows Go Swimming

These California Happy Cows were enjoying the afternoon like any California girl would:  taking a dip and lounging in the sun. 

I am linking these photos to Watery Wednesday.


  1. Looks like they are wondering why you're not joining them in the water! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  2. The water looks a little too murky for a dip for me, but I'm sure the bovine sisters are happy!


    Hey, diddle, diddle,
    The dew on my fiddle
    Is making it hard to play!

    Hey, diddle, diddle,
    I need a new fiddle
    With all the dew washed away!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Susannah in the Shower

  3. Great shots .... lucky cows who can take a swim :)

  4. I have to agree, California Cows are the luckiest!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower! Following you too!
    Have a fabulous day!
    Debbie's Travels

  5. Hello Coffee Queen! I've been following you for a couple of weeks your posts! I spent some time with a few bovine yesterday and blogged about it, too! What a coincidence. Not sure Oklahoma cows are as happy...they're typically referred to as "hamburger." LOL!

  6. Love the second shot! It's funny how all the cows are looking. :)

  7. Que tranquilidade destas vacas! Gostei da comparação com as garotas!

  8. Is it wrong that I think cows are cute? Great shots!

  9. Glay you liked my photography. :)

    Those cows looks pretty much like ours. But we don´t really have that surrounding. It looks great.

    Have to take a look into more of your blog.

  10. Thanks so much for visiting my photo blog and for leaving such kind comments. I am enjoying your photos as well. I particularly like these shot of the cows.


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